ARCHIVED 4/29/23

First you need to get editing software. Okay. Good. Then you need to get an idea. Well I have that so I think I'm going to continue onto the next part probably. Alright, so now you need to get audio. Alright.  I'd suggest linear editing, so start with the audio, edit the audio to be correctly timed and with correct loudness for the first part, then put in some background image/video to keep it interesting, and yea. Okay so you wanna use like sound effects and chroma keying and masking and yatta yatta yatta okay cool. So we got our images in there and they're moving and all of that, and then later we can go and add some music (don't make it too loud though) and some sound effects would also be good I think. Maybe some explosion green screen effects without the green screen removed I think.